Monday, February 28, 2011

Funny Night at Casa Fitz

Tonight after dinner, the three of us went into Haley's room to play and to read with her.  Haley will not sit in our laps to read.  Actually, Haley will not sit still at all while I read to her.  She is all over her little room going from her trike to other toys and back to the trike again.  She kept us laughing.  Her favorite book is one of the Halmark books that has Cheryls voice recorded as she reads.  She always picks that book and says NANA!  While we were reading, Haley decided it was time to clean up her room.  She took all of her toys, her lotion, her pajamas, all of her blankets, and the sheets from the other bed and purt them all in her pack and play.  She proceeded to clap for herself because she had cleaned.  A few minutes later I stepped out to start a load of laundry, and when a walked back in, Matt had hidden under one of the twin size beds trying to make Haley laugh.  As he was trying to get out, he knocked a few slats off and became trapped under the bed.  I wasn't very nice as I walked into the room and died laughing.  When Matt asked for help I was laughing to hard to do anything.  Matt got out from under the bed, and over an hour later, I am still laughing at it.

1 comment:


Love the story ... I could imagine it happening in my mind. :)