Friday, September 26, 2008


There are many people who do not really know what we are doing in Honduras. So this blog is for you. We are going to start a children's home. It will be a part of Casa de Esperanza. We will be expanding Casa by going to a different location and starting a home for older girls. Nicole and I feel that this ministry is a great need. Most people do not want to take in these girls because they have so much baggage. We see it a s a great opportunity to change lives and glorify God. 

Our plan for this home is that we are able to take in about thirty girls and teach them about Jesus. We will be giving them an education for most of them because if they are over the age of ten and are not in school they can not go to school. We will get tutors to help them. We will also help them by dealing with all of their baggage. We will do this through the pure love of Jesus. We will also do devotionals and study the bible with them. We will also teach them trades such as sewing, agriculture, basic computer skills, and domestic skills. This way they can be successful after they leave. We will be doing ministry in the community with them. I want these girls to know how to give back to the community they will do evangelism with us and teach bible studies. The whole point is to teach them to be leaders in their communities and be strong christian women in their churches. By sending out strong christian women in these communities we believe it will change many churches and benefit this area of Honduras as a whole.  We plan to be in Honduras for a total of ten years. This way we can train other Hondurans to run this home so that it is successful for many years to come. Please pray for our ministry and that God is apart of every little facet of it. 

In Christ
Matt Fitzgerald

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prayer for Children

This is a prayer for children that Amy Carmichael prayed. Amy Carmichael was a missionary to India for several years.

Father, hear us, we are praying,
Hear the words our hearts are saying,
We are praying for the children.

Keep them from the powers of evil,
From the secret, hidden peril,
Gather, hear us for the children.

From the whirlpool that would suck them,
From the treacherou quicksand, pluck them,
father, hear us for the children.

From the worldling's hollow gladness,
From the sting of faithless sadness,
Father, Father, keep the children.

Through life's troubled waters steer them,
Through life's bitter battles cheer them,
Father, Father, be Thou near them.

Read the language of our longing,
Read the wordless pleadings thronging,
Holy Father, for the children.

And wherever they may bide,
Lead them home at eventide.

So many children in this world are starving. Children are sent into prostitution. Governments make it very difficult for the poor children to go to school. Some children are forced to fight in battle. They are rejected, neglected and abused. Please pray for all of the children all over the world tonight.


Today I was reading in my bible and saw this scripture in Mark 5 just jump off the page. It said do not be afraid, just believe. This really hit me. I have been struggling not knowing where I am going to live in January. I have struggled not knowing where our funds for Honduras are coming from. I have struggled and doubted if Nicole and I are truely ready for this mission. Then I read just believe. I feel that God is going to take care of everything. I have let my ambitions go and let God take control of my life. I just wanted to let you know how God encouraged me. Please pray for Nicole and I as we get ready for our journey to Honduras.

In Christ
Matt Fitzgerald

Monday, September 22, 2008


Recently Nicole and I have made a very important decision. We have decided to start our ministry this next August.  We will be going  to Costa Rica for 8 months of language school learning Spanish. Please pray for me during language school because God did not gift me with the gift to learn languages. As of right now we have no support, but I know that it will come because God has always blessed us. Please pray for me and Nicole as we get ready to move to Honduras. We are so excited about starting this children's home. I know that God will do amazing things through these girls. I have learned recently to trust God. It is hard not to just want to do it myself. Please continually pray for our ministry because I know the devil will attack us, because God has amazing plans for this ministry.

In Christ
Matt Fitzgerald

Monday, September 8, 2008


In Psalms 37 and 46 the Psalmist writes to be still and know that HE is God. This verse has been at the top of my mind and very close to my heart lately. As we continue to prepare to move to Honduras to take care of some young ladies that have been forgotten by so many, sometimes it is very difficult for me to wait on God. I know that he is going to provide the funds we need and the right people to partner with us, but it is at times very difficult to be still and wait on him.

I have frequently been praying that God will help me to be still and know that HE is God and to wait for him. He has given me a strong peace that he is going to take care of me. However, some days the devil attacks that peace and tries (and on somedays almost succeeds) to make me believe that because we do not know at this point where our funds will come from, then we should give up on these plans to help the people that God has given us so much compassion for.

As Matt's graduation rapidly approaches, it would be very easy to stress over the fact that we don't really know exactly what we are doing for the time following his graduation. We know one thing for sure... we have to move out of this apartment and move into another.

I pray everyday that God gives me the stillness and the patience to wait on his timing. He has always provided for my needs. I have no reason to doubt that he will quit now. Please pray with me that the devil doesn't convince me otherwise.