Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My hurting heart

When we decided to become missionaries, we knew that it would be very difficult to be far away from those we love.  Sometimes however, it is harder than other.  I have lamented that I would not be with my dear friend Katy as she gets married, nor will I be with Alison and Tonya as their dear babies are born this summer.  However, these are happy occasions, and Katy and Mark, Alison and Matthew, and Tonya and Trevor are going to be rejoicing together.  It is much harder for me to be away during the bad times.  When I got home from school this afternoon, my mom called to inform me that Carol, Mammaw's husband, of almost 9 years died in his sleep last night.  My heart is hurting right now, for it is aching to be with Mammaw in her time of pain.  I know Mammaw is just so sad right  now, for her heart is broken.  I know she never coped very well after losing Pepaw and Ryan.  I just do not think she will be able to handle losing Carol.  While I was never close to Carol, I appreciated him because Mammaw cared so much for him.  Please pray that God's peace will rest on Mammaw and that my mom will have safe travels tomorrow as she goes to be with Mammaw.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your family. It must be very difficult being so far away from the ones you love. I had not been checking your blogg lately but was so excited to see you are keeping it up to date. It will be a daily thing for me now. It is so interesting to hear about your life there and hearing about your little one. I had not looked since the 4th of Feb. so there were many entries. Know we are so interested in your life there and so happy to share your good times as well as your bad times. Your family will be in our prayers during this difficult time. linda