Monday, November 16, 2009


Matt and I started going with some friends from church last week to feed some people that live under an overpass here in Baton Rouge. I have worked with homeless before in a homeless shelter, but this was different. I was very suprised because these guys were well spoken. No one was smoking, and I didn't smell alcohol on anyone. One man I met and spent the most time talking to was Richard. Richard is a middle-aged man who is a deckhand by trade. He was telling Matt, John Pounders, and me how fortunate he was for all he had. And all he had was a chair, a couple boxes of possessions, and an old matress that someone had brought to him. He told us he was blessed because now he has a bed to sleep on. Last week, he said, he was sleeping on cardboard, but now he has this wonderful matress.

During this month of thanks, I am so very thankful for what I have. I am praying that God will help me share my possessions and not be selfish. Lately, Matt and I have been concerned because money is tight, but we have so much. We have a nice apartment, and neither of us is doing without food. Sometimes, I forget how much I have, but my heart is always broken when I meet someone with little that is so appreciative and thankful for what they do have. Last Monday, Richard reminded me to be thankful for everything.

Please join me in praying for the people who live under the bridge. Pray that we can build relationships with them and bring them to Christ one day.