Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I am so excited about going to Honduras during Spring Break. I miss alot of things about Honduras. I miss building houses for people and hearing them praise God because he has truely blessed them. I miss driving crazy on the Honduran roads. I even miss that nasty diesel smell in the air. I miss hearing people praise God in spanish. I miss trying to communicate my broken spanish with friends. What I miss most of all is my kids.

I miss all those beautiful smiling faces at the childrens home. Yes, I know that these are not really my kids but I love them like they are. This has not always been the case. Last summer when I went to the childrens home for my internship my attitude was totally different. I thought I could not love them in that way becasue they were not my kids. I was sure wrong as the summer went on I fell in love with their kindness and innocence. All these kids have been through so much and they found it in their heart to love us. This blew my mind. So this is why I love them so much. I cant wait to give them all a hug and love on them. I pray for them all the time. I pray that every time I see them they see the love of Christ. I hope these kids grow into beautiful christians. This is my hope for them. I am so excited to see them. These kids are what makes Honduras so special. That is why my passion is to help these kids and much more just like them.

In Christ's Love

Matt Fitzgerald

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sanctified and Sent

Last semester I was sitting in a class when my teacher began talking about the tesion of being sanctified and sent. This has really been on my heart for the last couple of weeks. In John 17:16-19 as Jesus is praying for his disciples, Jesus talks about how his disciples have been sent into the world as he has been sent into the world. In only a sentence later Jesus says that the same people should be sanctified or set apart from the world.

How is one to both be sent into the world while simultaneously be set apart from the world. I believe this is a tension that all believers face. Many Christians want only to be either sent or sanctified. There are so many Christians who have no non-Christian friends. They want to be different by being set apart, yet they are not reaching the ones who do not know Christ. Others are "sent" they want to be in the world, but do not wish to be set apart or different. It is hard to be different, it is also hard to reach out of our comfort zones of our Christian friends to teach people about Jesus.

This is a tension that each one of us must face every day. We must learn to be both sent into the world and sanctified from the world. It is a very tight rope that we must walk to be sent and sanctified.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Dream Big

The other day I was thinking about our blog and realized that most people do not know why our blog is called dream big. The thought behind it came from a song. We view it more as a prayer for our lives. God has put it in my heart that if we do not dream big nothing big will ever happen. God is bigger than anything we can wrap our minds around. So I hope and pray everyday that we will have the courage and the boldness to go where ever God leads us. I hope that you will pray for Nicole and me on being God's tool in Honduras. There are so many great things that are going to be happening in Honduras. I hope you are able to see God work in our lives and your own.

I have realized that God will do amazing things if we just open our eyes. God has truely humbled me and I pray that you let God humble you. God is amazing.

With the love of Christ

Matt Fitzgerald

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Honduras Update

Hey my name is Matt just to let you know. My wife Nicole and I are sorry for not writing since July. Alot has happened since then. When we last posted, we were doing mission work in Honduras. I can honestly say that the experience completely changed my life. We are also really excited because Marc and Terri Tindall, my in-laws, moved to Honduras. We are so excited about doing mission work with them soon. Since August we have been going to school at Harding and are incredibly busy. Nicole graduates in May and I graduate in December, we are both really excited about finishing school. Right now we are focusing on moving to Honduras in June of 2009. We will also be going down to Honduras during spring break, which is the first week of March. We will also be visiting again in June and will be there the entire month. I am excited about working with the children's home and just doing whatever is needed for God.

Nicole and I have been married for 8 monthes right now. We have been planning to do ministry in Honduras for about two years now. We are finally at a place where we are making plans to get ready to move down there and we are trying to tell others our some of those plans and ideas that God has for us in Honduras. One of our plans is to teach the kids at Casa de Esperansa different trades that way when they are adults they will have a chance at being successful. We also have an idea for nutrition cousnseling ministry. This is telling the people in Honduras how to live healthier and not get sick on a low income. Through this ministry we inted to form relationships whith those who we counsel. Also, at each counseling session we will have a Bible study with them. These are just two ideas that God has put on our heart. I pray everyday that God does amazing things in Hoduras.

We will be updating our blog regularly. My wife and I hope that you can learn about our ministry and pray about our ministry.

With the love of Christ

Matt Fitzgerald