Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Difference of a Year

Last year on Thanksgiving day, I met Heidy.  She was the younger sister of my friend Melissa.  I didn't know a lot about her, and I thought I would not see her much in the future.  Over the next couple weeks before Christmas, Heidy became a constant part of my life.

About a week after Christmas, she asked if she could live with us.  We agreed, and it was all downhill from there...for a while.  Heidy went on "walks" for many hours at a time.  She did not really want to be a part of our family, or better yet, she did long for family, but didn't know how to express someone wanting her to be a part of family.  After our suspections of drugs were confirmed, we kicked her out.  Fortunately, she agreed to live with her sisters.

My dad had promised her before we let her live with us that he would not give up on her as so many have in her life, and he stuck to that promise.  That caused a lot of tension between me and my dad and between me and Heidy.  Regardless, he didn't give up on her.

Heidy agreed to get some counseling, and she also got of drugs.  Somehow, through the messy muck that we call life, she and I became friends.  She learned that we really do love her, and we learned that she really does long for acceptance in our family.

I have told Matt many times that it is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that we are all friends, for human nature does not draw us toward someone that we have resented or has resented us. 

Heidy just turned 18 last month.  She has gone from a shy, angry teenager to a very beautiful young lady with a very pretty smile.  Today, as we were both sitting in my parents living room and she was loving on Emma and playing games with Haley, I sat back and smiled at the work God has done in both of us to make us be friends and to genuinely care for each other.

Praising God today for unlikely friendships.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Proud of the Twins

Last year when Karen was in the States after having Korbin (who turns one tomorrow), twins Olman and Josue came to live with us at CdE. There was adjustments to be made all around for everyone, especially Mirian. The twins were premature; we assume by two months, but we are not sure. We also believe their mom was on drugs during the pregnancy.

These two guys have had quite a bit of health issues, but slowly, they are starting to make some real progress. I have made it my mission to work with them a couple hours a day. I also started giving them daily fruits and vegies. Mirian has been fearful of feeding them thinking that various foods may make them sick, so they have just been having milk or formula. I have been teaching her how to make baby foods in the blender, and she and I each take one baby and feed them.

Olman hates me, but he loves food, and he loves Mirian. She always feeds him. I feed Josue. Josue is much smaller than Olman. In fact, before long, Josue will be smaller than Emma. They already weigh about the same, but Emma is shorter and fatter.

Josue is much further behind in his physical development. He cannot bring himself to a sitting postion, but if I sit him up, he is starting to stablize a little more each day. He started crawling about a day before I got home, and is making great progress with this. He moves all over the house now. I do daily exercises with his arms and legs. I know he is getting stronger. Today, he even tried to pull himself up from a crawling position to a standing position. He was unable to do it, but he came very close.

Both boys are doing new things every day, and I am very proud to see their progress. They are each eating a little more each day, and I am sure in the next couple months, they will have huge amouts of growth.

Josue has an appointment at the Neurologist next week as well as physical therapy at Teleton. Please join me in prayer that both of these go well.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Tender Heart

And Jesus said, "And let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."   Matthew 19:14

I never cease to be amazed at the tender heart of my little Haley.  She has a big heart and cares so much for the good of others.  In talking about returning home to Honduras, one of the things she has been most excited about is feeding people. 

It makes me proud that she loves to help others that have less than her.  For a long time, I didn't really think she understood why we feed people, but recently, I asked her.  She said, "They are poor and it makes God happy to help them."  I suppose in other things we have said in our life, she gathered that, but I don't remember specificly teaching her that.

I love to see her desire to help others, whether it is filling Harvest bags with Cheryl so people here in Baton Rouge, passing out carrots and cucumbers in communities like Buen Samaritano, or smiling as she helps give plates at the Jesus Banquet.

It also amazes me how she loves the kids at Casa de Esperanza so deeply.  She even refers to them as her kids.  She amazingly doesn't have big fights with them.  There are days when she gets a little jealous of them, but mostly, she just loves them.  Many days, while we have been here in Baton Rouge, she has cried over how badly she missed them.

There are many things I learn from how Haley lives.  She has an innocense and purity that only a child can have.  She loves deeply and powerfully.  She does not care if a person is a millionare or someone working in the dump; she veiws them in the same light.  She speaks a simple truth, and she thanks God for everything she can think of. 

Maybe we can all take some lessons from my three year old.