We are very excited about this little surprise that God has given to us. I will keep you updated on baby news as well as our plans to move to Honduras.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
We found out this week that we are having a baby in July. This was not planned, but we are still very excited about this. The baby will push our plans to move to Honduras back by about two or three months, but we are still moving. It is estimated that I am six weeks along, but I will have an ultrasound next week to determine more accurately. At six weeks the baby's nervous system has already begun to form. That means my baby already has a heart, a brain and a spinal cord. Also, its arms and legs are beginning to form.
Friday, October 31, 2008
10,000 Children
I read in an article the other day that there is approximately 10,000 children in Honduras alone that are exploited in the commercial sex trade. These innocent children are being exploited in ways we cannot imagine. It is sad that God commands us to take care of widows and orphans, but in this harsh world, instead people treat children as objects they can buy for their own sick pleasures. Please pray for children such as these and the ones in similar conditions all over the world. Pray that God will bring people to help free the children from this way of life. Also, pray that both the children and the people buying and selling them in the sex trade will come to know God and see that HIS way is much better.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Today, my heart is very heavy, as it has been for several days now. For the past two weeks, it has rained pretty much non-stop in Honduras. The tropical depression has ravished this country. Countless homes are destroyed or damaged from the flooding. Imagine not having much in the first place and losing every bit of that in storms.
Small creeks became rivers that became horrible to cross. Farmlands have been ruined. Many Hondurans depend on their crops to provide their families with their income, and now they have lost the ability to do that. Also, because they are farmers, most of their food came from their own crop. Now, the farmers and their families will starve.
During the heaviest part of the rains, the newspapers claimed that the level of hunger people faced was far more life-threatening than any of the risks they would have to take to go for food. These rains caused landslides. Many of the main roads have been washed out. It is now a great challenge to drive on some of the roads that lead to towns near Tegucigalpa because of the destruction.
I think of people all over Honduras, especially Tegucigalpa, that I know, and my heart cries out for them. I close my eyes, and I see the faces of people I love in Los Pinos, San Miguel, Nueva Oriental, Villa Nueva, and many other places. I think of how water washes through most of their houses when only a small rain comes through. I imagine that they have been living in mud the last two weeks without a single dry object in their house. I picture the lady who lives in the rain gutter on the road between Loarke and Santa Ana. She and her young daughter have probably just been doing their best to stay dry.
Words can never begin to express the suffering that is happening right now in Honduras. For more information and pictures go to my mom's blog or to www.hondurasthisweek.com . Please pray for this country. Pray also that God will show you how you can help.
Friday, September 26, 2008
There are many people who do not really know what we are doing in Honduras. So this blog is for you. We are going to start a children's home. It will be a part of Casa de Esperanza. We will be expanding Casa by going to a different location and starting a home for older girls. Nicole and I feel that this ministry is a great need. Most people do not want to take in these girls because they have so much baggage. We see it a s a great opportunity to change lives and glorify God.
Our plan for this home is that we are able to take in about thirty girls and teach them about Jesus. We will be giving them an education for most of them because if they are over the age of ten and are not in school they can not go to school. We will get tutors to help them. We will also help them by dealing with all of their baggage. We will do this through the pure love of Jesus. We will also do devotionals and study the bible with them. We will also teach them trades such as sewing, agriculture, basic computer skills, and domestic skills. This way they can be successful after they leave. We will be doing ministry in the community with them. I want these girls to know how to give back to the community they will do evangelism with us and teach bible studies. The whole point is to teach them to be leaders in their communities and be strong christian women in their churches. By sending out strong christian women in these communities we believe it will change many churches and benefit this area of Honduras as a whole. We plan to be in Honduras for a total of ten years. This way we can train other Hondurans to run this home so that it is successful for many years to come. Please pray for our ministry and that God is apart of every little facet of it.
In Christ
Matt Fitzgerald
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Prayer for Children
This is a prayer for children that Amy Carmichael prayed. Amy Carmichael was a missionary to India for several years.
Father, hear us, we are praying,
Hear the words our hearts are saying,
We are praying for the children.
Keep them from the powers of evil,
From the secret, hidden peril,
Gather, hear us for the children.
From the whirlpool that would suck them,
From the treacherou quicksand, pluck them,
father, hear us for the children.
From the worldling's hollow gladness,
From the sting of faithless sadness,
Father, Father, keep the children.
Through life's troubled waters steer them,
Through life's bitter battles cheer them,
Father, Father, be Thou near them.
Read the language of our longing,
Read the wordless pleadings thronging,
Holy Father, for the children.
And wherever they may bide,
Lead them home at eventide.
So many children in this world are starving. Children are sent into prostitution. Governments make it very difficult for the poor children to go to school. Some children are forced to fight in battle. They are rejected, neglected and abused. Please pray for all of the children all over the world tonight.
Father, hear us, we are praying,
Hear the words our hearts are saying,
We are praying for the children.
Keep them from the powers of evil,
From the secret, hidden peril,
Gather, hear us for the children.
From the whirlpool that would suck them,
From the treacherou quicksand, pluck them,
father, hear us for the children.
From the worldling's hollow gladness,
From the sting of faithless sadness,
Father, Father, keep the children.
Through life's troubled waters steer them,
Through life's bitter battles cheer them,
Father, Father, be Thou near them.
Read the language of our longing,
Read the wordless pleadings thronging,
Holy Father, for the children.
And wherever they may bide,
Lead them home at eventide.
So many children in this world are starving. Children are sent into prostitution. Governments make it very difficult for the poor children to go to school. Some children are forced to fight in battle. They are rejected, neglected and abused. Please pray for all of the children all over the world tonight.
Today I was reading in my bible and saw this scripture in Mark 5 just jump off the page. It said do not be afraid, just believe. This really hit me. I have been struggling not knowing where I am going to live in January. I have struggled not knowing where our funds for Honduras are coming from. I have struggled and doubted if Nicole and I are truely ready for this mission. Then I read just believe. I feel that God is going to take care of everything. I have let my ambitions go and let God take control of my life. I just wanted to let you know how God encouraged me. Please pray for Nicole and I as we get ready for our journey to Honduras.
In Christ
Matt Fitzgerald
In Christ
Matt Fitzgerald
Monday, September 22, 2008
Recently Nicole and I have made a very important decision. We have decided to start our ministry this next August. We will be going to Costa Rica for 8 months of language school learning Spanish. Please pray for me during language school because God did not gift me with the gift to learn languages. As of right now we have no support, but I know that it will come because God has always blessed us. Please pray for me and Nicole as we get ready to move to Honduras. We are so excited about starting this children's home. I know that God will do amazing things through these girls. I have learned recently to trust God. It is hard not to just want to do it myself. Please continually pray for our ministry because I know the devil will attack us, because God has amazing plans for this ministry.
In Christ
Matt Fitzgerald
Monday, September 8, 2008
In Psalms 37 and 46 the Psalmist writes to be still and know that HE is God. This verse has been at the top of my mind and very close to my heart lately. As we continue to prepare to move to Honduras to take care of some young ladies that have been forgotten by so many, sometimes it is very difficult for me to wait on God. I know that he is going to provide the funds we need and the right people to partner with us, but it is at times very difficult to be still and wait on him.
I have frequently been praying that God will help me to be still and know that HE is God and to wait for him. He has given me a strong peace that he is going to take care of me. However, some days the devil attacks that peace and tries (and on somedays almost succeeds) to make me believe that because we do not know at this point where our funds will come from, then we should give up on these plans to help the people that God has given us so much compassion for.
As Matt's graduation rapidly approaches, it would be very easy to stress over the fact that we don't really know exactly what we are doing for the time following his graduation. We know one thing for sure... we have to move out of this apartment and move into another.
I pray everyday that God gives me the stillness and the patience to wait on his timing. He has always provided for my needs. I have no reason to doubt that he will quit now. Please pray with me that the devil doesn't convince me otherwise.
I have frequently been praying that God will help me to be still and know that HE is God and to wait for him. He has given me a strong peace that he is going to take care of me. However, some days the devil attacks that peace and tries (and on somedays almost succeeds) to make me believe that because we do not know at this point where our funds will come from, then we should give up on these plans to help the people that God has given us so much compassion for.
As Matt's graduation rapidly approaches, it would be very easy to stress over the fact that we don't really know exactly what we are doing for the time following his graduation. We know one thing for sure... we have to move out of this apartment and move into another.
I pray everyday that God gives me the stillness and the patience to wait on his timing. He has always provided for my needs. I have no reason to doubt that he will quit now. Please pray with me that the devil doesn't convince me otherwise.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Prayer group
I've been involved in a prayer group with some girls since my freshman year of college. We met together once a week to share what was going on in our lives and pray with and for each other. We spent much time laughing and crying together. We shared our struggles and our victories. We have seen each other grow in relationships with boys and embraced each other through broken hearts. God has used us to stretch each other mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Four of us graduated in May and one in July. As of Saturday, two of us are now married and one of us is engaged. At Rach's wedding, we were all able to share some precious time together. Since Saturday, Susanna and her fiance Josh have been at my house. It has been enjoyable having a good friend here even if only for a few days. I have been so greatful for this group of girls that God has put into my life. We have had our times where we didn't get along so well and our times where we got along as good friends do. However, we always met with each other once a week for chit-chat and prayer. So here's to Susanna, Rach, Kacey, and Mary. You girls played a big role in the last four years of my life.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
What about Now? by Daughtry
This morning I turned on the TV to watch some olympics before church, and a music video was on that will pull at anyone's heartstrings. Check it out.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Today, I got to work right on time at 5:00. It seemed like it would be a normal day when I got there. Sara was in a frizzy about something, and Edgar was speaking, but no one could understand a word he said. I knew that I was going to have to hury today because I thought that the other lady that works with me might not show up because her daughter was sick. I usually start cleaning on the third floor of the building I work in and work my way down to the bottom. I got to the 2nd floor of the Bible building around 6:00 and saw a sign on the men's room saying that it was CLOSED. Curiousity struck (and since I am a cleaning person I thought it might be something I would have to tend to) so I went in to the restroom. On the wall of the back stall, someone had written in POOP 666 with and upside down cross. I knew I was not going to have a normal day from that point forward.
I had to clean the rest of the offices before I could even get to the poo poo problem. Luckily, when I walked downstairs, Melissa was here. I knew two things at that point: I wasn't going to have to cover her work, and I knew that someone would help me clean up poop.
Right now there is some sort of yearbook workshop going on in the building I clean. Translation: this week, there is a bunch of rude highschoolers in the building that I clean. Evidently, someone thought this would be especially hilarious. One of the coordinators of the workshop somehow found out, and she was the one who closed the bathroom. She was so upset and felt so bad about what happened, yet her hands were tied and she couldn't do anything about it because no one knew who the pooper was.
Well today, Melissa and I spend two hours cleaning poop of the wall. That boy, whoever did that, truly was a party pooper, and he wanted to share it with the world.
I had to clean the rest of the offices before I could even get to the poo poo problem. Luckily, when I walked downstairs, Melissa was here. I knew two things at that point: I wasn't going to have to cover her work, and I knew that someone would help me clean up poop.
Right now there is some sort of yearbook workshop going on in the building I clean. Translation: this week, there is a bunch of rude highschoolers in the building that I clean. Evidently, someone thought this would be especially hilarious. One of the coordinators of the workshop somehow found out, and she was the one who closed the bathroom. She was so upset and felt so bad about what happened, yet her hands were tied and she couldn't do anything about it because no one knew who the pooper was.
Well today, Melissa and I spend two hours cleaning poop of the wall. That boy, whoever did that, truly was a party pooper, and he wanted to share it with the world.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Hospital Esquala
Yesterday a small group went to Hospital Esquela. Matt and I did not really want to go because it is always so emotionally draining for us. Yesterday it was more draining than it had ever been in our experiences going. The group wanted to go to the children's orthopedic ward to visit with and pray wit those children. As we approached the top of the stairs we saw a familiar face. We got closer and realized that that face was the face of our friend Maria. Maria is from Nueva Oriental, and we have built a relationship with her over the last couple weeks.
Maria noticed us and hurried to us. She buried her head into my shoulder and started to weep. She told me that her oldest daughter Cindy was in the operation room. Maria said she did not know what was wrong with her daughter. All Maria knew is that her daughter was having severe pains in her abdominal area. Maria was so concerned for her daughter. Hospital Esquela had done nothing to inform her of the condition of her daughter.
We offered to pray with Maria. After the prayer, she clinched us and did not want to let us go. We had a little bit of money with us so we offered a little bit to help pay for her operation because we knew that Maria doesn't have much money. We also knew that if she had been there very long, she hadn't eaten. Mark Halbert gave us a little money to get her some food. Because we didn't know how long she would be there we wanted to get her food that wouldn't quickly parish.
When Matt and I came back from the grocery store, Maria had found out some information on her daughter. Cindy was in recovery. I think Maria said that her daughter had had a miscarriage, but I am not positive. We saw Maria a few more times during the day, and each time, she was just so upset.
I never enjoy the Hospital because it is always so draining on me. The care the people receive is horrible. It was even harder on me when I walked in there and saw someone I knew. I didn't want someone I knew to have to receive that kind of care. I wanted them to be able to receive good care and the comfort that doctors in the States try to provide. It tore my heart to have Maria in my arms weeping. Please pray for her 18 year old daughter Cindy as she heals.
Maria noticed us and hurried to us. She buried her head into my shoulder and started to weep. She told me that her oldest daughter Cindy was in the operation room. Maria said she did not know what was wrong with her daughter. All Maria knew is that her daughter was having severe pains in her abdominal area. Maria was so concerned for her daughter. Hospital Esquela had done nothing to inform her of the condition of her daughter.
We offered to pray with Maria. After the prayer, she clinched us and did not want to let us go. We had a little bit of money with us so we offered a little bit to help pay for her operation because we knew that Maria doesn't have much money. We also knew that if she had been there very long, she hadn't eaten. Mark Halbert gave us a little money to get her some food. Because we didn't know how long she would be there we wanted to get her food that wouldn't quickly parish.
When Matt and I came back from the grocery store, Maria had found out some information on her daughter. Cindy was in recovery. I think Maria said that her daughter had had a miscarriage, but I am not positive. We saw Maria a few more times during the day, and each time, she was just so upset.
I never enjoy the Hospital because it is always so draining on me. The care the people receive is horrible. It was even harder on me when I walked in there and saw someone I knew. I didn't want someone I knew to have to receive that kind of care. I wanted them to be able to receive good care and the comfort that doctors in the States try to provide. It tore my heart to have Maria in my arms weeping. Please pray for her 18 year old daughter Cindy as she heals.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
This morning Matt, my mom, and I went to the fruit market very early to buy groceries for the children's home. Afterwards, we were at Dunkin Donuts getting a bite to eat. A group was coming into town today, and with the cost of gas it wasn't worth going back to Santa Ana, so we decided to wait in town. A man named Wilson came in begging for money to help his sick mother. He explained that his mom needed some tubes to go into his mothers stomach. She had a really bad infection. I am not exactly sure what was wrong with her, I just know that she is really sick. We told him we would not give him money, but we would walk down to the pharmacy with him and pay for what his mother needed.
The four of us walked to the pharmacy and he did not know exactly what he needed, so he told us to go back and wait in Dunkin Donuts and he would return with the perscription. He came back about 10 minutes later to tell us he had talked to a nurse, but needed to go talk to a doctor. Finally, he came back with perscription in hand. We walked again to the pharmacy and began getting the things Wilson needed for his mom.
After talking to Wilson, we found out that he was from Sabana Grande which is a community fairly close to us. He said he was a memeber of a Christian church. I asked him if we could pray with him before he went back to tend to his mother. He accepted the offer. I prayed in the best
Spanish that I could. Upon the end of the prayer, he was crying. Most men here refuse to show any emotion, so it was especially moving that he was so touched.
Can you imagine not having money to to purchase a simple medicine for someone in your family that is sick? Do you know of anyone that has had to beg for money to pay for a doctor to help you? What would you do if a doctor refused to help take care of you until provide the supplies? We can't imagine.
The four of us walked to the pharmacy and he did not know exactly what he needed, so he told us to go back and wait in Dunkin Donuts and he would return with the perscription. He came back about 10 minutes later to tell us he had talked to a nurse, but needed to go talk to a doctor. Finally, he came back with perscription in hand. We walked again to the pharmacy and began getting the things Wilson needed for his mom.
After talking to Wilson, we found out that he was from Sabana Grande which is a community fairly close to us. He said he was a memeber of a Christian church. I asked him if we could pray with him before he went back to tend to his mother. He accepted the offer. I prayed in the best
Spanish that I could. Upon the end of the prayer, he was crying. Most men here refuse to show any emotion, so it was especially moving that he was so touched.
Can you imagine not having money to to purchase a simple medicine for someone in your family that is sick? Do you know of anyone that has had to beg for money to pay for a doctor to help you? What would you do if a doctor refused to help take care of you until provide the supplies? We can't imagine.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Suyapa and Juan Bautista
The last couple days I have met some really neat people. Yesterday, the group that is here was building in Santa Ana and in the next town over in Ojojona. Before the group got up here, my dad, Matt, and three AIMers went on to the house to get it measured out. I did not meet the lady living in the house they were building, but I met her sister Suyapa. She lived in a house that her family has had for 46 years; however, I doubt that there is any 46 year old portion of that home. It was in decent shape though. At least eight people in her family lived there. Suyapa was so hospitible. She offered me and my dad seats. She was cooking something in the back part of her house. If we had stayed longer, she probably would have offered us some food. Suyapa had a little garden in front of her house. I admired the beauty of the flowers. Upon my admiration, Suyapa preceded to hold up a can with the same type of flower in it, and said, "Here this is the same, take it to plant in your garden." I smiled and then rejected her gift because I had no place to put it.
A few hours later, I was back at the house site in Ojojona. One of the guards from Casa de Esperanza was there visiting with the preacher. When we got there he told us someone was in need of a house. When we walked down to look at the area, we visited with Francisco's mother a while, then she joyfully ran into her house and grabbed some bananas to give to my dad. She had the biggest smile on her face, and was so excited to share what she had.
Today, we worked in one of my favorite communities, Los Pinos. No matter how many times I go there, and no matter how long it has been since my last visit, hundreds of kids always remember my name. I think I can go anywhere on that mountain and hear "Nicole!" It is always special to me that the remember my name when they don't see me for years. As soon as they see me they run to me to help me carry whatever is in my hands, to hold my hand, or to simply give me a hug. The kids all found flowers and gave them to me; that was really sweet.
While we were at the house site, Matt, Feesh and I went to the road to wait on the second load of wood. We were told that we would be waiting "20 minutes," but time is relative in Honduras. We were told that about 10:15, and the wood finally arrived at 1:30. Anyways, we were sitting on a rock, and the sun seemed blazing a little more today than other days. After about five minutes, a man across the street brought three chairs from his house and asked if we wanted to sit in the shade. We readily accepted. This man's name was Marco, and his brother's name is Juan Bautista which translates John the Baptist. They were very friendly. They told me that 12 live in their home. After a few minutes they invited us inside, but we told them that we had to be able to see the truck. At the house, was Sofia, Oscar, and Miguel. Sofia was the the daughter of Marco, Miguel was the daughter of Juan Bautista, and I am not sure if Oscar was Juan and Marco's brother or one of their son's. Nevertheless, the three little ones were incredibly ticklish. Miguel laughed even at the thought of being tickled.
I am always amazed at the generousity of the people I come into contact with here. I am continuously reminded by them to be content with what I have and not to worry because God always provides.
I would also like to ask prayers for the family of Marco and Juan Bautista because none of them go to church. I pray that they can be reached by the church in that community and fall in love with Jesus.
A few hours later, I was back at the house site in Ojojona. One of the guards from Casa de Esperanza was there visiting with the preacher. When we got there he told us someone was in need of a house. When we walked down to look at the area, we visited with Francisco's mother a while, then she joyfully ran into her house and grabbed some bananas to give to my dad. She had the biggest smile on her face, and was so excited to share what she had.
Today, we worked in one of my favorite communities, Los Pinos. No matter how many times I go there, and no matter how long it has been since my last visit, hundreds of kids always remember my name. I think I can go anywhere on that mountain and hear "Nicole!" It is always special to me that the remember my name when they don't see me for years. As soon as they see me they run to me to help me carry whatever is in my hands, to hold my hand, or to simply give me a hug. The kids all found flowers and gave them to me; that was really sweet.
While we were at the house site, Matt, Feesh and I went to the road to wait on the second load of wood. We were told that we would be waiting "20 minutes," but time is relative in Honduras. We were told that about 10:15, and the wood finally arrived at 1:30. Anyways, we were sitting on a rock, and the sun seemed blazing a little more today than other days. After about five minutes, a man across the street brought three chairs from his house and asked if we wanted to sit in the shade. We readily accepted. This man's name was Marco, and his brother's name is Juan Bautista which translates John the Baptist. They were very friendly. They told me that 12 live in their home. After a few minutes they invited us inside, but we told them that we had to be able to see the truck. At the house, was Sofia, Oscar, and Miguel. Sofia was the the daughter of Marco, Miguel was the daughter of Juan Bautista, and I am not sure if Oscar was Juan and Marco's brother or one of their son's. Nevertheless, the three little ones were incredibly ticklish. Miguel laughed even at the thought of being tickled.
I am always amazed at the generousity of the people I come into contact with here. I am continuously reminded by them to be content with what I have and not to worry because God always provides.
I would also like to ask prayers for the family of Marco and Juan Bautista because none of them go to church. I pray that they can be reached by the church in that community and fall in love with Jesus.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Gloria and Dania
This morning Gloria and her daughter Dania committed to Christ. Dorian and Fernando are always working in the community and studying with people. Praise God that he is using these men in such big ways.
Gloria bing baptized by Dorian
Dania about to be baptized
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Today, my dad, Matt and I had to go to the airport for a few minutes to take care of a few things. It is like going into a gohsttown going into the Tegucigalpa airport. It used to always be full of life and various people were always busy making money to feed their families. The President here refuses right now to reopen the airport. Short term mission trips are being rerouted to San Pedro Sula, Managua, Nicaragua or San Salvador, El Salvador. Money that has been set aside to help the poor is being used to pick up and deliver people at various airports.
This is not the worst part. I met Patricia today. She has several young children that she has totake care of. She was telling me all about the last two weeks at the airport and how sad it is. All of the cleaning people, security guards, baggage carriers, money changers, rental car places, and all the other businesses are all out of work. Because fewer people are staying in the hotels or eating at the restaurants near the airports. So many people are hurting in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, especially because of the president trying to close the airport to all flights containing more than 42 passangers. A few hundred people are without work due to the temporary or permanent closure of the Tegucigalpa aiport. If it becomes a permanent closure even more people will lose their jobs.
Please pray to God that the aiport in Tegucigalpa will reopen so that many of the poor people will get their jobs back.
This is not the worst part. I met Patricia today. She has several young children that she has totake care of. She was telling me all about the last two weeks at the airport and how sad it is. All of the cleaning people, security guards, baggage carriers, money changers, rental car places, and all the other businesses are all out of work. Because fewer people are staying in the hotels or eating at the restaurants near the airports. So many people are hurting in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, especially because of the president trying to close the airport to all flights containing more than 42 passangers. A few hundred people are without work due to the temporary or permanent closure of the Tegucigalpa aiport. If it becomes a permanent closure even more people will lose their jobs.
Please pray to God that the aiport in Tegucigalpa will reopen so that many of the poor people will get their jobs back.
Friday, June 13, 2008
On Tuesday, Matt and I were with my dad in town running errands. We stopped for a quick bite at Burger King, and when we were getting in the truck to leave, a boy named Frankie came up to us asking for money. My dad said he wouldn't give him money, but he would go back inside Burger King to buy him some food. Generally, we don't like to give street children money because they often just buy glue with it to inhale. Glue is cheaper than food and it gets rid of hunger pains. While my dad was inside BK I spent a few minutes talking to Frankie. I found out that he was 12 years old. He has lived on the streets for a little over a year. He went to the streets to beg when his mother died. He said he has no idea who his father is. Frankie has some older siblings that live somewhere in the city, but he doesn't know where they live. Frankie told me that most of the people that come into contact with him are hateful to him. In my own research I have learned that many people think that street children are equal or less than rats. The government doesn't really help the kids on the street to much. Frankie had one pair of sandals that were broken. He was dirty from head to foot. He said that when it rains he has to find a place to hide so he doesn't get too wet. Frankie told me that normally he only gets food five times per week.
There are so many children like Frankie all over this city as well as many other cities in the world. I wish there was some big way to reach these kids. I pray for them often, I also pray that God will show me a way to help them and to form relationships with them.
There are so many children like Frankie all over this city as well as many other cities in the world. I wish there was some big way to reach these kids. I pray for them often, I also pray that God will show me a way to help them and to form relationships with them.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
On Thursday evening a friend called Karen, the director of Casa de Esperanza asking if she could take a little boy that night, and she agreed. Yonny (Johnny) is six years old. He was living on the streets barefoot and dirty. It seems that he has no parents at all. He is very "chele" which is a slang word for a Honduran who has light colored skin. When he came he had curly hair. He was scared of Karen and would only go to her husband Dorian. He is coming around now and will hug some of the Americans. Pray for Yonny as he adjusts to living with rules and structure. Praise God that Yonny has food today and shelter over his head.
Jose Ramon
On Wednesday, June 4 Matt and I went with a small group to the city dump. This is always a heart wrenching experience to see people having to fight the vulchers for the worst scraps in all of the city. Before the trash makes it to the dump, other people have dug through the trash probably 5 or 6 times. The people at the dump are begining to get used to seeing my dad's little red truck drive up to the dump each week, and they are starting to get used to talking with us a little more. My dad's AIM team desires to build relationships with people in the dump and carry Bible studies with them.
One person I met on Wednesday was a man named Jose Ramon. Jose Ramon was completely filthy. Dirt was caked on his skin. There is no telling when the last time he had the opportunity to bathe. He is living among the poorest of the poor people, yet he is a faithful servant to God. Generally we do not limit sandwiches to just one because this might be the only good meal that they get for the entire week. Jose Ramon kept coming back and asking for four or five sandwiches at a time. We began to think that he was coming to hoard sandwiches and water for himself. One young man asked my dad if he could walk with Jose Ramon to see what he was doing. We found out that Jose Ramon was taking sandwiches to people over the mound of trash who didn't come for the food. He said that he wanted to help those people who were not coming to the truck. No one would have blamed Jose for trying to keep a few extra sandwiches for himself, but instead he was giving to those who had absolutely none. After we talked to him for a little while, we found out that he had become a Christian. He told Matt what his favorite Bible verse is. Jose Ramon taught me about being selfless and Christ-like because he felt the need to carry sandwiches to as many people in the dump as he could.
One person I met on Wednesday was a man named Jose Ramon. Jose Ramon was completely filthy. Dirt was caked on his skin. There is no telling when the last time he had the opportunity to bathe. He is living among the poorest of the poor people, yet he is a faithful servant to God. Generally we do not limit sandwiches to just one because this might be the only good meal that they get for the entire week. Jose Ramon kept coming back and asking for four or five sandwiches at a time. We began to think that he was coming to hoard sandwiches and water for himself. One young man asked my dad if he could walk with Jose Ramon to see what he was doing. We found out that Jose Ramon was taking sandwiches to people over the mound of trash who didn't come for the food. He said that he wanted to help those people who were not coming to the truck. No one would have blamed Jose for trying to keep a few extra sandwiches for himself, but instead he was giving to those who had absolutely none. After we talked to him for a little while, we found out that he had become a Christian. He told Matt what his favorite Bible verse is. Jose Ramon taught me about being selfless and Christ-like because he felt the need to carry sandwiches to as many people in the dump as he could.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
An Encouraging Week
I'm sorry that I missed posting a blog my last couple days in Honduras. We were very busy. Praise God that he granted us with a safe arrival back into Searcy yesterday. We left Tegucigalpa on Friday at 6:00 to head back to San Pedro Sula. We had a 2:00 AM flight from there and we were supposed to get to a wedding in Mississippi on Saturday afternoon. Due to bad weather, we were unable to attend the wedding or even the reception. Matt and I were just happy that we did not have to drive all of the way to Searcy on Saturday. Our good friends the Fergusons let us sleep in their house. At that point we did not care where we slept as long as we were able to sleep.
Our time in Honduras last week was very encouraging. We were presented with a new m inistry opportunity which we will discuss later. It was also encouraging to see 15 kids that have each found a special place in our hearts. Each of these precious children has grown in many ways from last summer when we were with them. Daniela can be away from Pamela now and has developed the cutest little personality. Pamela is so much happier than she was last summer. She really looks after the younger kids. Yovanni is much less whiney when things don't go his way. I could go on and on about the changes in the kids that we saw.
I was encouraged by the singing both in our morning devotionals as well as church on Sunday morning. In Honduras, people don't care about pitch, key, or tune. They care about praising God with every ounce of their being. I dont know how many times I have been in some sort of worship service or even cahpel here at Harding where someone has started a song over because it was slightly off key. It was uplifting to be with people who jsut wanted to praise God, and they don't care how they sound. How incredible would it be if when we sang, we sang with every ounce of our being as if we were singing for God not for men.
I was also encouraged this week by my parents. They both shared with Matt and I some very encouraging words about us moving to Honduras. It is good to know that they are proud of what we are doing.
I was encouraged by seeing many people that I have built relationships with since 2001. It alsways makes me happy to see old friends.
God is working so powerfully right now. It is so exciting to see his hand at work. I am looking forward to see how he is going to use us as a part of his magnificent plan. He is wonderful. I praise Him.
Look for God at work today.
Our time in Honduras last week was very encouraging. We were presented with a new m inistry opportunity which we will discuss later. It was also encouraging to see 15 kids that have each found a special place in our hearts. Each of these precious children has grown in many ways from last summer when we were with them. Daniela can be away from Pamela now and has developed the cutest little personality. Pamela is so much happier than she was last summer. She really looks after the younger kids. Yovanni is much less whiney when things don't go his way. I could go on and on about the changes in the kids that we saw.
I was encouraged by the singing both in our morning devotionals as well as church on Sunday morning. In Honduras, people don't care about pitch, key, or tune. They care about praising God with every ounce of their being. I dont know how many times I have been in some sort of worship service or even cahpel here at Harding where someone has started a song over because it was slightly off key. It was uplifting to be with people who jsut wanted to praise God, and they don't care how they sound. How incredible would it be if when we sang, we sang with every ounce of our being as if we were singing for God not for men.
I was also encouraged this week by my parents. They both shared with Matt and I some very encouraging words about us moving to Honduras. It is good to know that they are proud of what we are doing.
I was encouraged by seeing many people that I have built relationships with since 2001. It alsways makes me happy to see old friends.
God is working so powerfully right now. It is so exciting to see his hand at work. I am looking forward to see how he is going to use us as a part of his magnificent plan. He is wonderful. I praise Him.
Look for God at work today.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Imagine the stinkiest, dirtiest place you know, then think of it being 1 million times worse. Today Matt, my parents and I went to give out some bean sanwiches and bananas to the poorest of poor people. We made about 250 refried bean sandwiches, and bought four stalks of bananas. When we got there, I didn't know what to expect. My heart was broken today. There were many men there digging through the trash for whatever they could find. They are in survival mode and are trying to find whatever they can find for food. They are also looking for plastics that they can take to recycle and make some money. They have to fight of the vulchers and rats in order to get food. Even worse, there are quite a few youngsters spending their day in the dump. Now I am not sure how many live i n the dump, but I know there were a lot there scavaging for something to eat. Many of these people had dirt caked onto their skin. The kids didn't smile very much, but some of the adults smiled when we gave them some food.
One thing that really touched my heart was the man that wanted to help. He tried to help maintain order. He didn't ask for extra food. It was touching to see someone who lives in the dump trying to help us.
In our society if we knew of someone who lived in a dump, many of us would consider them untouchable as some of the wealthier people do here. We need to remember that Jesus went to those who were untouchable. We are called to follow him, and sometimes that means going to the untouchables.
One thing that really touched my heart was the man that wanted to help. He tried to help maintain order. He didn't ask for extra food. It was touching to see someone who lives in the dump trying to help us.
In our society if we knew of someone who lived in a dump, many of us would consider them untouchable as some of the wealthier people do here. We need to remember that Jesus went to those who were untouchable. We are called to follow him, and sometimes that means going to the untouchables.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
A Night on the Town
The kids here are on a reward system. They have a tree with apples on it, and each apple has one of the kids names on it. If they can keep their apple on the tree (behave well) for 13 out of 14 days they are allowed a reward. My dad decided to reward them with dinner and a movie. Nine of us left right after nap time around 3:30, and we were headed to a movie at 4:30. Well out on the main highway there was a huge wreck about three miles down the road. An eighteen wheeler had tipped over. If you haven't been here, its hard enough to explain how people drive here. Lets just say its a lot worse when there is a wreck. It was 4:45 when we got to the bottom of the hill, and we still had to take Dilcia and Reyna to their houses. My dad called Karen and got special permission to keep the kids out late. He had promised them a movie; therefore, he was going to take them to a movie.
We had so much fun. First we had Church's Chicken from the food court. Fried chicken is just about the favorite food of the kids here. They loved it, and they all wanted to take food home to the kids who didn't get a reward. My dad suggested they find a street kid to share with. There were, however, no street kids. Instead they gave it to a man begging. He was delighted.
At the movie, the kids talked my dad into buying cokes and popcorn. What a softy he is! I think most of the popcorn was gone by the time the movie started. During the movie, Daniela got really tired and began asking when she could go home to her bed. All of the kids loved the movie, and had a great time.
Matt and I really enjoy our time with these kids, and it is so good to be here with them.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
KM 85
This is a state of poverty and despair that I just can't understand. I so badly want to know of a way beyond helping build houses for these people. Even when we build them a house and give them food, they are still left destitute. I am not saying that we should quit helping these people's immediate needs, I just want God to use us to help people help themselves. I want to see relationships built. I think developmental work must include spiritual development and teaching the people to embetter themselves.
These houses truly were the saddest living conditions that I have ever seen. I want to see these people helped. I also want to see these people encounter Jesus, the one who provides a great hope.
Soon after we left this communtity, I saw a little girl walking with her mother. She was probably six, and she was completely naked and dirty. She had little blonde streaks in her hair which are a sign of malnourishment. It was very sad.
Sometimes I feel so small and miniscule in this great big world of need. There are so many people who need to feel the hope of Jesus. There are so many who were born in the part of the world where they have nothing. I also have to remember that I might not be able to change the whole world, but I know that God will use me to change the lives of a few, one at a time. I pray everyday that God will use me to teach about him, to help them have a better life, and to teach them to teach others. In order for big things to happen, one must dream big, work hard, and put their faith in God that he will make it happen.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Matt and Cindy. Isn't she beautiful. She looks grown up in my glasses
Pamela, Monica, Cindy and Daniela being silly on the hammock. Daniela kept covering her face, but this is the better picture.
We finally made it here. After leaving Friday morning at 4:00 AM for Atlanta, we made it to San Pedro Sula, Honduras a little after midnight. Matt and I were the first two to make it through customs. We went to a hotel and got some much needed sleep.
This morning after we woke up we headed for Santa Ana. About an hour and a half from Tegucigalpa, we saw a squatter area that was poorer than anything I have ever seen, but that deserves a blog in itself. We got here right after the children went down for a nap, so we relaxed for a bit. We had a blast when they woke up. Everyone was excited to see us, and we were excited to see each of one of them.
Pamela attached herself to me. She and little Cindy did not want to be too far away. Matt and I played on the trampoline which was great fun (I promise that I will take some pictures of trampoline fun). We have greatly missed these kids, and so it is so good to be here. Each of these kids has grown in big ways. They smile much more often. I praise God for the growth he has broght into these kids lives. Praise God also that we had safe travel.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I am so excited about going to Honduras during Spring Break. I miss alot of things about Honduras. I miss building houses for people and hearing them praise God because he has truely blessed them. I miss driving crazy on the Honduran roads. I even miss that nasty diesel smell in the air. I miss hearing people praise God in spanish. I miss trying to communicate my broken spanish with friends. What I miss most of all is my kids.
I miss all those beautiful smiling faces at the childrens home. Yes, I know that these are not really my kids but I love them like they are. This has not always been the case. Last summer when I went to the childrens home for my internship my attitude was totally different. I thought I could not love them in that way becasue they were not my kids. I was sure wrong as the summer went on I fell in love with their kindness and innocence. All these kids have been through so much and they found it in their heart to love us. This blew my mind. So this is why I love them so much. I cant wait to give them all a hug and love on them. I pray for them all the time. I pray that every time I see them they see the love of Christ. I hope these kids grow into beautiful christians. This is my hope for them. I am so excited to see them. These kids are what makes Honduras so special. That is why my passion is to help these kids and much more just like them.
In Christ's Love
Matt Fitzgerald
I miss all those beautiful smiling faces at the childrens home. Yes, I know that these are not really my kids but I love them like they are. This has not always been the case. Last summer when I went to the childrens home for my internship my attitude was totally different. I thought I could not love them in that way becasue they were not my kids. I was sure wrong as the summer went on I fell in love with their kindness and innocence. All these kids have been through so much and they found it in their heart to love us. This blew my mind. So this is why I love them so much. I cant wait to give them all a hug and love on them. I pray for them all the time. I pray that every time I see them they see the love of Christ. I hope these kids grow into beautiful christians. This is my hope for them. I am so excited to see them. These kids are what makes Honduras so special. That is why my passion is to help these kids and much more just like them.
In Christ's Love
Matt Fitzgerald
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Sanctified and Sent
Last semester I was sitting in a class when my teacher began talking about the tesion of being sanctified and sent. This has really been on my heart for the last couple of weeks. In John 17:16-19 as Jesus is praying for his disciples, Jesus talks about how his disciples have been sent into the world as he has been sent into the world. In only a sentence later Jesus says that the same people should be sanctified or set apart from the world.
How is one to both be sent into the world while simultaneously be set apart from the world. I believe this is a tension that all believers face. Many Christians want only to be either sent or sanctified. There are so many Christians who have no non-Christian friends. They want to be different by being set apart, yet they are not reaching the ones who do not know Christ. Others are "sent" they want to be in the world, but do not wish to be set apart or different. It is hard to be different, it is also hard to reach out of our comfort zones of our Christian friends to teach people about Jesus.
This is a tension that each one of us must face every day. We must learn to be both sent into the world and sanctified from the world. It is a very tight rope that we must walk to be sent and sanctified.
How is one to both be sent into the world while simultaneously be set apart from the world. I believe this is a tension that all believers face. Many Christians want only to be either sent or sanctified. There are so many Christians who have no non-Christian friends. They want to be different by being set apart, yet they are not reaching the ones who do not know Christ. Others are "sent" they want to be in the world, but do not wish to be set apart or different. It is hard to be different, it is also hard to reach out of our comfort zones of our Christian friends to teach people about Jesus.
This is a tension that each one of us must face every day. We must learn to be both sent into the world and sanctified from the world. It is a very tight rope that we must walk to be sent and sanctified.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Dream Big
The other day I was thinking about our blog and realized that most people do not know why our blog is called dream big. The thought behind it came from a song. We view it more as a prayer for our lives. God has put it in my heart that if we do not dream big nothing big will ever happen. God is bigger than anything we can wrap our minds around. So I hope and pray everyday that we will have the courage and the boldness to go where ever God leads us. I hope that you will pray for Nicole and me on being God's tool in Honduras. There are so many great things that are going to be happening in Honduras. I hope you are able to see God work in our lives and your own.
I have realized that God will do amazing things if we just open our eyes. God has truely humbled me and I pray that you let God humble you. God is amazing.
With the love of Christ
Matt Fitzgerald
I have realized that God will do amazing things if we just open our eyes. God has truely humbled me and I pray that you let God humble you. God is amazing.
With the love of Christ
Matt Fitzgerald
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Honduras Update
Hey my name is Matt just to let you know. My wife Nicole and I are sorry for not writing since July. Alot has happened since then. When we last posted, we were doing mission work in Honduras. I can honestly say that the experience completely changed my life. We are also really excited because Marc and Terri Tindall, my in-laws, moved to Honduras. We are so excited about doing mission work with them soon. Since August we have been going to school at Harding and are incredibly busy. Nicole graduates in May and I graduate in December, we are both really excited about finishing school. Right now we are focusing on moving to Honduras in June of 2009. We will also be going down to Honduras during spring break, which is the first week of March. We will also be visiting again in June and will be there the entire month. I am excited about working with the children's home and just doing whatever is needed for God.
Nicole and I have been married for 8 monthes right now. We have been planning to do ministry in Honduras for about two years now. We are finally at a place where we are making plans to get ready to move down there and we are trying to tell others our some of those plans and ideas that God has for us in Honduras. One of our plans is to teach the kids at Casa de Esperansa different trades that way when they are adults they will have a chance at being successful. We also have an idea for nutrition cousnseling ministry. This is telling the people in Honduras how to live healthier and not get sick on a low income. Through this ministry we inted to form relationships whith those who we counsel. Also, at each counseling session we will have a Bible study with them. These are just two ideas that God has put on our heart. I pray everyday that God does amazing things in Hoduras.
We will be updating our blog regularly. My wife and I hope that you can learn about our ministry and pray about our ministry.
With the love of Christ
Matt Fitzgerald
Nicole and I have been married for 8 monthes right now. We have been planning to do ministry in Honduras for about two years now. We are finally at a place where we are making plans to get ready to move down there and we are trying to tell others our some of those plans and ideas that God has for us in Honduras. One of our plans is to teach the kids at Casa de Esperansa different trades that way when they are adults they will have a chance at being successful. We also have an idea for nutrition cousnseling ministry. This is telling the people in Honduras how to live healthier and not get sick on a low income. Through this ministry we inted to form relationships whith those who we counsel. Also, at each counseling session we will have a Bible study with them. These are just two ideas that God has put on our heart. I pray everyday that God does amazing things in Hoduras.
We will be updating our blog regularly. My wife and I hope that you can learn about our ministry and pray about our ministry.
With the love of Christ
Matt Fitzgerald
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