Saturday, March 1, 2008


Matt and Cindy. Isn't she beautiful. She looks grown up in my glasses

Pamela, Monica, Cindy and Daniela being silly on the hammock. Daniela kept covering her face, but this is the better picture.

We finally made it here. After leaving Friday morning at 4:00 AM for Atlanta, we made it to San Pedro Sula, Honduras a little after midnight. Matt and I were the first two to make it through customs. We went to a hotel and got some much needed sleep.

This morning after we woke up we headed for Santa Ana. About an hour and a half from Tegucigalpa, we saw a squatter area that was poorer than anything I have ever seen, but that deserves a blog in itself. We got here right after the children went down for a nap, so we relaxed for a bit. We had a blast when they woke up. Everyone was excited to see us, and we were excited to see each of one of them.

Pamela attached herself to me. She and little Cindy did not want to be too far away. Matt and I played on the trampoline which was great fun (I promise that I will take some pictures of trampoline fun). We have greatly missed these kids, and so it is so good to be here. Each of these kids has grown in big ways. They smile much more often. I praise God for the growth he has broght into these kids lives. Praise God also that we had safe travel.

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