Friday, September 26, 2008


There are many people who do not really know what we are doing in Honduras. So this blog is for you. We are going to start a children's home. It will be a part of Casa de Esperanza. We will be expanding Casa by going to a different location and starting a home for older girls. Nicole and I feel that this ministry is a great need. Most people do not want to take in these girls because they have so much baggage. We see it a s a great opportunity to change lives and glorify God. 

Our plan for this home is that we are able to take in about thirty girls and teach them about Jesus. We will be giving them an education for most of them because if they are over the age of ten and are not in school they can not go to school. We will get tutors to help them. We will also help them by dealing with all of their baggage. We will do this through the pure love of Jesus. We will also do devotionals and study the bible with them. We will also teach them trades such as sewing, agriculture, basic computer skills, and domestic skills. This way they can be successful after they leave. We will be doing ministry in the community with them. I want these girls to know how to give back to the community they will do evangelism with us and teach bible studies. The whole point is to teach them to be leaders in their communities and be strong christian women in their churches. By sending out strong christian women in these communities we believe it will change many churches and benefit this area of Honduras as a whole.  We plan to be in Honduras for a total of ten years. This way we can train other Hondurans to run this home so that it is successful for many years to come. Please pray for our ministry and that God is apart of every little facet of it. 

In Christ
Matt Fitzgerald

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