Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Week of Birthdays

When we were in Honduras in April, Cindy reminded me the whole time that almost the whole family had birthdays right together:

Lili 7/20
Cindy 7/22

I was talking to my mom tonight, and she said Cindy put all of the family birthdays up on the calandar.  Cindy has a very special realationship with me and Matt that reaches a part of my heart that is inexplicable, especially considering the first summer we met Cindy was anything but enjoyable with her, but nevertheless we love her. 

We are celebrating Haley's birthday on Saturday (more to come later) because we want to make an all day celebration for her, doing all of her favorite things.  I will photo-log the entire day and share that later.  Of course, I am excited to celebrate my sweet girl's special day, but at the same time, I long to be in Honduras with the other special people in my life celebrating their day.  I would love to celebrate Haley's and Cindy's birthdays with all of the children at Casa.

Along with the 4 birthdays mentioned above, another special birthday should happen next week sometime too.  My cousin is going to have her first little baby due on the 22.  So although, I cannot celebrate with everyone, Happy Birthdays to Dad, Mom, Cindy, and baby Esther.  I love you all so much.

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