Tuesday, July 26, 2011


A few times a week, we get beggars asking for things.  Usually they ask for food or money.  Also, many times they are men and seem to be high.  Tonight we heard the typical "UPE!!" Along with the clanging on our gate.  Above the attention getters was a baby crying.  Most of the time we don't answer because the men aren't always trustworthy, and at times they are dangerous.  I asked Matt to look out the window to see if it was a woman.  When it is a woman we are much more likely to help because women always have other mouths to feed.  The woman had already gone down the road a ways, but I called to get her attention and had a little oatmeal some bananas, apples, crackers, peas and some beans.  I asked the lady who all lived with her and she said her, her 5 children, her brother, and her mom.  I imagine that it is only one bed room and made out of scrap material.  As she was again walking off, our neigbor walked down with a loaf of bread. 

I hate that the food she received was not very much, nor was it quality, but I am happy that those 5 kids haves something to fill their bellies tonight.

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