Sunday, April 17, 2011

A witness

Before we went to Valle de Sol yesterday, we stopped at the park for Haley to climb, swing, and play for a few minutes.  I was watching Haley climb and making sure that the little girl didn't fall from a high place, when two boys about 10 or 11 years old approached Matt with a Bible in hand and asked him if he wanted to study the Bible with them.  They were not asking Matt to teach them, the Bible, but viceversa.  They said that their minister had been really encouraging them to be contagious Christians and to share the word of God everywhere they went.  They asked Matt what he was doing in Costa Rica, and he told them he is a missionary.  At that point they said God bless you and went to find someone else to study with.  How great is it that some children have set out to teach others about God.  Why is it that children are not afraid of rejection?  I challenge everyone who reads this to be like these children and talk about God with whomever you come into contact this week. 

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