Monday, April 4, 2011

Hard questions

Saturday, I met a lady who worked for years in Costa Rica and in Argentina working with street girls.  She was telling me about some of the hard questions that the girls asked her.  They asked her things like:

  • Grandma Sandra, if there is a loving God, why did he allow my dad to do those things to me?
  • Grandma Sandra, if there is a loving God, why did he allow my mom to sell me into prostitution?
  • Grandma Sandra, if there is a loving God, why did my parents abandon me?
  • Grandma Sandra, if there is a loving God, then why did he allow me to be raped?
These are hard questions that one day we too are going to have to answer.  I have been thinking a lot on these questions since she was talking about them.  How will I answer these questions?  How will I show them that God is in fact a loving God?

There are a few pieces to this puzzle.  1) We live in a fallen world and 2) God has given us freewill.  God created mankind to desire relationship with him.  He designed us to want to follow him in our hearts.  He could have made us like servant-robots that follow him, but then we would have a forced relationship, which really is no relationship at all.  Because God gave us freewill, sin entered when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, and there has been sin ever since.  God cannot be where sin is.  Because of sin he expelled his people from the Garden.  Because of sin he destroyed the earth.  Because of sin, he separated the languages.  The whole time his desire was that people woule choose to be in relation with him.  Eventually, he sent his son Jesus Christ to redeem the world.  Jesus came here and suffered unimaginable pain so that our sin could be redeemed and we could have relationship with the Father.  God does not want any of his Children to be hurt, and his heart breaks anytime someone hurts one of his children.  While he desires that sin not be in the world, he provides a way to redeem us from our sin.  He can heal our wounds, and he is waiting with open arms.  This world is Satan's kingdom, and Satan lives to kill and destroy, but our Lord is a savior from the destruction, and he provides hope.

We know that every aspect of our ministry, people need to bathe in prayer, for hard questions will come up all of the time.  Our humanity cannot easily understand the things of God, but we know that he loves us and desires redemption.


Sherry said...

I have had to ask God those hard questions in regards to my own childhood, and because of what I have seen in shattered lives since that time ie. as a foster parent, working in recovery ministry, or on the mission field. My answer: It is the consequence and impact of choice-- choosing Life through Jesus, or death via Satan. God gave us the Garden, but we chose the Dump. With that said, my heart aches for the children who ask the hard questions. The robbing of innocence begins with the first breath we take and it breaks God's heart more than we can understand. Hopefully and prayerfully, our pain will only serve to draw us to Him and not away.

Anonymous said...

That is a very sad post today and we here in the USA have a hard time understanding that children are exposed to that kind of life but probably are even in the USA. You have a very difficult job ahead of you but I have confidence that you will be able to help heal many a broken heart and give the answers to the "hard questions" that the children need to hear. I am sure with your love and understanding you will be able to help many a hearts to heal with the help of God. linda