Last year on Thanksgiving day, I met Heidy. She was the younger sister of my friend Melissa. I didn't know a lot about her, and I thought I would not see her much in the future. Over the next couple weeks before Christmas, Heidy became a constant part of my life.
About a week after Christmas, she asked if she could live with us. We agreed, and it was all downhill from there...for a while. Heidy went on "walks" for many hours at a time. She did not really want to be a part of our family, or better yet, she did long for family, but didn't know how to express someone wanting her to be a part of family. After our suspections of drugs were confirmed, we kicked her out. Fortunately, she agreed to live with her sisters.
My dad had promised her before we let her live with us that he would not give up on her as so many have in her life, and he stuck to that promise. That caused a lot of tension between me and my dad and between me and Heidy. Regardless, he didn't give up on her.
Heidy agreed to get some counseling, and she also got of drugs. Somehow, through the messy muck that we call life, she and I became friends. She learned that we really do love her, and we learned that she really does long for acceptance in our family.
I have told Matt many times that it is only through the work of the Holy Spirit that we are all friends, for human nature does not draw us toward someone that we have resented or has resented us.
Heidy just turned 18 last month. She has gone from a shy, angry teenager to a very beautiful young lady with a very pretty smile. Today, as we were both sitting in my parents living room and she was loving on Emma and playing games with Haley, I sat back and smiled at the work God has done in both of us to make us be friends and to genuinely care for each other.
Praising God today for unlikely friendships.
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