Saturday, May 19, 2012

I survived el Cine 2012

The past several years, a college group has come for several weeks at the end of May and at the beginning of June.  One of the things this group always did with the kids from CdE was take them to the water park Aqua Splash.  My dad decided that since the college group didn't come this year, and the interns weren't coming until the end of the month and would be hitting the ground running, we would take them to Aqua Splash.  About an hour and a half before the planned time to leave for the water park, I was called by my dad, and he said it was raining hard and today would not be a good day for the water park.  I said to him he better have a back up plan, and he better come here and break the news to the very excited kids that they were not going to the water park.

We decided to go to the movie instead.  After lunch, the kids all hurried to get ready.  Going to town for our kids means putting on their best clothes and doing their hair.  It really is a big deal for them.  All 28 of us loaded up in the van and in our vehicle and headed to town.  We had several of the older boys in our car.  The guys in the in the furthest part of the car had their windows open, and one just couldn't keep his head inside the car.

The newspaper said that the movie we were going to see started at 2:30.  We got there about 2:15, only to find out that actually, the movie wouldn't start until 3:15.  Fortunately there is a nice indoor playground in the mall that we could keep the kids occupied for a bit.  As usual, some were a bit more wild than necessary, but that is what you get with that many kids.

We got back to the cinema, and everyone had to go to the bathroom.  Here, when you buy tickets, you immediately choose the seats you will be in.  We had two full rows and two seats on another row.  We all got to our seats, and my dad and Matt headed out for the mile-long line to get the promised cokes and popcorn.  The next 30 minutes or so became the  most challenging game of whack-a-mole I have ever played.  As soon as one kid sat down, two more stood up.  Fortunately, that didn't last the whole movie.

Soon the popcorn and coke arrived.  I think only one of the buckets of popcorn was spilled (but there could have been others that I didn't know about).  With 22 kids, most of whom are girls bathroom runs are a frequent in the movie.  After eating a lot of popcorn, Haley told me she really had to go potty.  I scooted all the way across the row to go down to the bathroom with her, and on the way out Katy and Maryuri joined me to go to the bathroom as well.  About the time that Haley sat down on the potty, I heard Doris the employee, Any, Guadalupe, and Rosy walk in.  Lupita was two seats away from me, and I had to pass over the other two to get out of the row, yet none of them felt the need to tell me that they too needed to go to the bathroom.  The waited until I got out the door and told Doris.  About 2 seconds after Doris, the 6 girls and I sat down, Cindy began tapping my shoulder saying she had to go pee.  Fortunately, I saw Christina walking out with another girl, and sent Cindy running for her.

On the way home, I had to rescue the popcorn that was set aside from my mom who loves movie popcorn, then our leaky radiador began to heat up, so as has become a regular process, Matt had to stop and add water to cool it down (the radiador will be replaced soon).  When you take the cap off of a hot radiador, a lot of steam comes out, and the boys were convinced that Matt had blown up the car.  While today was fun, it was enough fun to last a long time without going to the movie again with that many kids.

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