Sunday, April 29, 2012


The elementary school and the high school here have frequent meetings.  They are very boring and never accomplish much.  The only reason anyone goes is because parents get fined if they do not attend.  At the end of the year if all fines are not paid up, grades cannot be received for their child, and therefore, the child can not register for school the following year.  Pamela came home on Friday and told me that there were two meetings at the high school this weekend.  I had to go to both.

Yesterday, the meeting was basically electing PTA board members for each grade.  We were told by the director of the school that we were not allowed to leave until all of the positions were filled.  After a very long time of people going around the room stating the millions of reasons they had to not be a board member, I eventually took the position that required the least amount of work.  When I took a position, the final two positions were finally filled as well, and we were allowed to go home.

Last night, my mom asked how the meeting was, and I said it was boring and that I was on the PTA board.  When asked how that happened, I told her more than anything, I just wanted to get out of there.  I wasn't very exciting about adding another obligation to my to do list, but I was willing to if I had to.  Fortunately, today, I found out I attended the wrong meeting.  Each grade is split into 3 or 4 sections, and I sat through the meeting in section B rather than C.  Therefore, I was very relieved today to find out that I did not have to attend extra meetings, and I was a little embarrassed that I had no idea I was sitting through the wrong class.

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