Thursday, March 17, 2011

Proud of Matt

Matt does not like to brag, but I like to brag about him.  I want to tell you about the vast improvements he has made in Spanish.  When he got here in August, he knew a few nouns and esentially no verbs.  His Spanish was much like how Haley speaks now - just one or two words at a time and a lot of pointing.  He could get his point across about what he wanted or needed, but no one would have said he spoke Spanish.  Daily he made improvements here and there, but in the last few weeks, something clicked in his brain and things are coming together very well for him.  His teachers and his tutor of all mentioned this week that they have noticed a HUGE improvement in his speaking.  One teacher was especially complementary of his speaking ability.  Yesterday, he was required to give a 2 hour Bible study.  He did not have to speak the whole time, for there was a lot of discussion, but he did have to be prepared to make commentary to responses and to ask questions to his classmate.  If you talk to Matt he would tell you that his biggest fear of going on the mission field was learning Spanish.  Day by day, he faces his fears and he is learning to do something he thought was impossible.  However, with God, all things are possible.  Lets give Matt a pat on the back.


Anonymous said...

Good for Matt. Thanks for passing that along. Good men are humble. I am sure you are learning quickly too. I know it will be so helpful in your work in Hondurous when you all move there. linda

Anonymous said...

Yea for Matt! Love to you all.