Thursday, March 24, 2011

Kids Don't Know They Cannot Make A Difference

Many times as adults, we think we are alway needing more.  We never think that we have enough resources in order to make a difference in the life of others.  The things we want are frequently more important to us than meeting other's needs.  Kids, however, are different.  They don't think there are limits to what they can do.  They still believe that what they do makes a difference in the lives of others.  Kids push the limits as much as they can when it comes to giving.

Our church from Baton Rouge is sending out a container to go to Honduras in the next couple of months.  My mother-in-law, who has never stepped foot in Honduras, decided she would do what she could at Parkview Baptist where she teaches.  With the help of the Ellises and the Hughbrights she gathered pictures and put together a slide show to encourage the kids to bring back packs, school supplies and other things to put on the container.  She was somewhat worried about this because she so badly desired that the kids take the living conditions in Honduras seriously.  After her presentation, the kids at Parkview were excited to help.  Below, I will tell of two touching situations that happened from what Cheryl shared with the kids.

Immediately after the presentation that day, a couple boys came to her and said "Mrs. Fitz, we want to give you all of the money we have on us."  They each gave about $2.  Today, a sweet girl came to Cheryl and told her she had been thinking of the best way she could spend her birthday money, and after the presentation, she decided that giving her $50 to help the kids in Honduras was the absolute best way she could use her money.

I am greatful for kids and adults alike who still believe they can make a difference in this world.


Robin Gough said...

Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Makes you understand whey we need to become as little chrildren. What a great story. linda