Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Matt loves his two little girls more than anything.  Recently, Haley has been rejecting Matt's love.  For example, Matt says, "I love you Haley," and she shrieks, "DON'T SAY THAT TO ME!!"  He tries to give her a hug and she throws herself on the floor screaming.  Even when Haley rejects Matt's love, he remains unchanging in his love for her.

When Haley's mood changes, Matt is always waiting with open arms to embrace her and show her how much he loves her.  I love to watch him with his girls.  Even though is feelings are hurt when his little girl doesn't want anything to do with him, he is always there to show her how much he loves and cares for her.

Our father in heaven is the same with us.  Many times we reject his love, ocassionally even throwing ourselves down on the ground screaming to avoid what he has for us.  However, He is in constant persuit of our love and is always waiting for us to come to him.  His love is constant and unchanging for us, and when we realize that, he is always waiting for us with open arms.  What an awesome God we serve.

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