Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Who Knew??

Who knew two babies could be so entirely different?  I guess that anyone who has ever had more than one baby knew that, but it is very much something I am learning.  Haley hated to be in our arms.  I remember trying to get her to sleep by rocking her, and she would scream, but when I laid her down she calmed down and went to sleep on her own.  Emma wants to be in someone's arms all the time, and gets mad if she is left in a room by herself.

Haley was fast and furious in her eating from the time she was born.  Although we burped her, she spit up almost every time she ate.  When Emma eats, she is slow and steady with her food.  She rarely spits up, but she poops about 12 times a day.  Haley only did that once a day.

In only a few days, Haley learned the difference between day and night.  She woke up only to eat and was back asleep.  Emma wants to be in my arms playing mostly between midnight and 4 AM.

Haley was so big, and Emma is so little.  Because of Haley's size, we didn't even buy newborn clothes for Emma, because they were never used with Haley.  Therefore, all of Emma's clothes are big on her.

There are many obvious differences between our two girls, but one thing that will always remain the same with them is our unchanging love for them.  They are both our princesses, and we will always love them both.  God has blessed us so much. 

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