Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sometimes My Best Is Only Mediocre

Lately, I have felt that everything I'm doing is only so-so. I feel like there everything I do could be done so much better.

Many days in preschool I know my lessons could be better, my games could be more fun, my crafts could be more creative.

In the afternoons I feel I many times quickly lose my patience with the kids. Sometimes I feel that I forget they are just kids and that some of the things I get so annoyed at them for are really just kids being kids.

With my sweet little Haley I many times feel like I'm being unfair to her. I drag her along to teleton, so she is frequently missing her nap or only getting a short one. Now that groups are here, she is not always going to bed when she should. Because I help with24 other kids, I don't think she always feels as special and loved as I wish she did.

As a wife, I hardly see Matt and at night when we are together I don't really feel like talking, just sleeping.

While I feel right now that everything I am responsible for is getting only mediocre results, I really am giving everything my very best effort. I am grateful the LORD doesn't call us to be PERFECT, but to do our best for HIM who makes us strong in our weaknesses. Being 7 months pregnant, I am low on energy, and some days I just want to fortify all of my responsibilities, but that is not giving my best effort. I will honor God by giving him my best, even when my best doesn't seem that good.

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