This week the kids are on a week of vacation from classes. They were given TONS of homework. We decided since a group is not here right now to give the kids a small break from their homework. We went to the local water park, Aqua Slash. The kids look forward to going to the water park almost as much as Christmas.
Haley was so excited about it. Yesterday, after her shower she wanted to put on her swimsuit. I let her but then she was mad that we weren't leaving at 6:30 in the morning.
The morning was pretty crazy with the excitement of the day. The girls got their chores done pretty fast. A few of the kids even sat down and did some of their homework.
About 10 I tried to start fitting all of the girls in swimsuits. I had all but 2 fitted. There were none left for Ana. Her body is changing and she was really embarrassed about not having a suit that fit. Knowing that the park required suits, I called my dad asking if they sold suits there. Fortunately, they did.
Then there was our sweet Doris. Doris is 14 and may be on the mental level of a 2 year old. Her swimsuit was too small and had too many straps for her to be able to take it on and off by herself. I knew we needed to take care of getting a suit for her too.
We had an early lunch and loaded up the van at 11:30. Upon our arrival, the van with all of the kids erupt into cheers.
My dad took Ana to get a swimsuit. I took Guadalupe to the bathroom and told Doris to follow my dad. Doris did not follow me or my dad, but the other kids. I got down to where our stuff was and Doris had peed her pants. Bringing extra clothes for a 14 year old is something I never think of.
The next couple hours were spent playing in the water and and on the slides. Haley, Any, and Josue all had to take a break because they were so cold and their little bodies were shivering so badly. It was great to see Logan and Denson, two of the Honduras Hope interns holding Any and Josue and trying to warm them up.
About 3 hours after we arrived, we left. Almost every kid in the van had fallen asleep before we got back to Casa de Esperanza. We are grateful the kids got a small break from their mountains of homework for a fun afternoon at the water park.
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