Sunday, March 20, 2011


Friday was a free day from school.  Many people decide to not go through the visa process, and for that reason they are required to leave by 90 days to renew their visas.  The school provides a free day to make it easier for students to take their visa trips.  We however, went to the Valle de Orosi which is about 1 hour and a half from San Jose.  We went with several other families from school.  As much of Costa Rica, Orosi is a place that you cannot miss God's glory and beauty.  Everything is lush and green.  Coffee plants are everywhere and in the mountains there are trees called "fire on the mountain."  These trees have beautiful orange blooms.  The big attraction in Orosi is the naturally heated pools.  They are heated by the volcanic activity, however they are not as warm as you might think.  One pool was about 110 degrees, and some of the others were more like bath water.  One pool even, was ice cold.  On Friday, we all swam and visited with our friends and had fun with the kids in the pool.  The kids ranged in age from 6 months to 14 years, and altogether there was 25-30 kids.  Haley was the littlest one to swim.  Saturday, Matt and I went with some of the group to another set of pools and had lunch in town.  Some friends rode horses right by these pools.  We even got a picture of Haley on a horse.

The evenings were relaxing at a quiet little hotel. On the property of the hotel there was a soccer field where the kids played. Those of us that stayed at our hotel enjoyed fine Italian dining. Matt was very excited to enjoy a steak. Saturday night we all did kareoke. I'm sure all would agree that I am the world's worst singer, but at least I had fun. This morning we had worship with our friends before we left. It was a very casual time of singing and testemony with a time of prayer at the end. This weekend was very refreshing to get out of the grime of the city, be in the middle of God's glorious creation, and enjoy time with several friends.

Haley sitting on the horse before her friends go for a ride

The view from our room

Haley having fun in one of the warm pools


Anonymous said...

I don't know what you're talking about, you're an "All-Star" singer.

Anonymous said...

What a nice get-a-way for your family. Thanks for sharing the lovely week end with us. linda