Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Whirlwind of Emotions

Right now, I feel so many emotions, that there is no good word to describe it.

  • I am so excited that in three weeks, I get to make a visit to Honduras, but
  • I know that it will be very difficult to leave at the end of our time there.
  • I am happy that most of my friends here are able to leave and go to their field, but
  • I am very sad because I will miss them very much, and jealous because I long to be heading to the field as well.
  • I am thankful for this opportunity to learn Spanish, but frustrated with the amount I get wrong (That is why I am here learning).
  • I'm annoyed that it seems like everyone is complaining about this, that, and the other, but
  • I suppose I am not doing anything different right now.
  • I feel that Matt and I would be useful working in Honduras this summer, but I know we cannot this year.
I am trying to be content in all situations, but sometimes when I long to be somewhere that I am not, it is very difficult.  Please pray that God will help me be content in all situtations.  I have a great support system, and great friends and family.  I am blessed with a great church that stands behind us, and they are supporting us.  Therefore, although I have days when I that are frustrating and hard, I am greatful for the people in my life that stand behind me and encourage me.  Moreover, I am greatful to God for allowing us the opportunity to be here in this country and to build relationships with our church family here.

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