Thursday, March 3, 2011

Prayers for Haley

Pray that Haley returns to her happy self very soon
Today, Haley is sick, so she and I stayed home from school, and might stay home again tomorrow..  It is nothing serious, but it is a really bad cold.  We saw the Dr. this morning and came home with a bag full of medicines.  I hate for my little girl to feel sick.  Please pray that she feels better promptly so that she will want to run and play while Cheryl is here.  Cheryl comes tomorrow, and it would be very sad if Haley didn't feel good enough to play with her Nana.  Please spend a few minutes today praying that God will place his healing hand upon her and take away the sickness from her little body.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Praying that by this time tomorrow you will see a big difference in little Haley.