Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Haley wanted to cook dinner tonight

This afternoon, after Haley woke up from a nap, she was sitting in her chair having a snack.  Matt said to her "When you are done with your snack to you want to play?"  Normally, she says "play park."  Today she shook her head no.  I asked her if she would like to sleep.  Again, she shook her head no.  Matt then asked her if she would like to cook.  To which she smiles and yells, "COOK!!"  We laughed and asked her what she was going to cook.  She is learning new words all of the time, and she repeats a lot of words.  Matt asked her about a few things that she might cook and she kept saying no.  Then he said are you going to cook beans, to which she responded "BEAS!"  Matt asked, "Well are you going to make rice?"  Haley said "ICE!"  Then she said "CHEESE!"  So if Haley had cooked our dinner, we would have had beans, rice and cheese and a mess bigger than we could imagine.  She loves beans and rice.  Because of that I suppose it is a good thing we eat a lot of it.  She keeps us laughing.

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