Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Somewhere along the way, without my noticing, Haley has moved from a sweet compliant baby to a still sweet, but much less compliant toddler.  When we still lived in Baton Rouge, I had a friend that frequently told me that having Haley didn't count as having a child because we could take her anywhere and she would be sweet and happy, and usually she would fall asleep.  Now, haley has transformed into an energetic, active, independent, curious toddler.  On top of that she is very stubborn (she comes by that naturally, I am very stubborn), and she loves to tell us NO!.  She can climb everything and fears nothing.  She frequently tries to run in the middle of soccer games where adult men are playing.  If she is not trying to join a soccer game she is trying to run in the streets.  She has started slapping and pinching and thinks it is very funny. 

We spend much of our time correcting Haley and teaching her that she does not get her way all the time and that throwing temper tantrums only get her into trouble.  I have a friend that always jokes about the 10 Commandments of Isaac, well I feel that we now have the 10 Commandments of Haley. Don't pinch.  Don't pull hair.  Don't slap, especially in the face.  Don't touch mommy's glasses.  Don't run in the street.  Don't throw a temper tantrum.  Don't touch the electrical things.  Don't stand in your chair.  Don't eat trash, sticks, rocks, or dirt.  Don't tell me NO when I tell you to do something.

I know that all of these things are a normal part of toddlerhood.  On top of trying to test us at every moment of the day to be sure that we are consistant, Haley is learning very well to say please and thank you.  Since we were in the states at Christmas, she went from saying only a few words to now saying 60-75 with phrases such as I love you, good girl, big girl, play park, and wash hands (actually she say ash manos).  She is learning the sounds of animals and colors.  Her favorite colors to say are yellow, purple and pink.  Her least favorite to say is green.  She is very good at picking up her toys and clothes.  Sometimes, she cleans up her pile of dirty clothes by putting them in her drawer.  She also likes to help throw things away. 

One other way Haley will be transitioning from a baby to a big girl is that she will be starting to sleep in one of the twin size beds in her room.  She has pretty much out grown her pack and play.  While it is long enough for her, if she moves at all, she is pressed up against the side of the pack and play.

So as little Haley daily transforms and grows, we are faced with her testing us more, but we are also blessed to see her learning and growing.  She smiles all of the time (except of course when she is in trouble), and makes us laugh.  Play for us as we teach Haley that God will give us the wisdom in how to deal with her and discipline her effectively.

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