Sunday, March 6, 2011

My name got called out.

Since I have been in Costa Rica, once a month at church they called out a list of names and gave each person something small.  With the calling of each name, everyone clapped.  I have always been too busy with Haley to realize what they were doing.  Logic would have told me that they were honoring each person for their birthday.  However, sometimes, I am not very logical.  Today, as I was taking Haley out (she just couldn't sit still any longer) my name was called.  I wasn't expecting my name to be called, and I thought surely they are calling another Nicole (of course I am the only Nicole at church).  I stand at the back of the church realizing that everyone now knows I was walking out and Ronald, the preacher says, didn't you have a birthday?  Oh, yes.  I walked up to the front to receive a bag of candy and a blessing of the church.  While this was not big or grand, it made me feel special that my birthday was remembered.  Let's remember that doing little things in life for people are  many times as important as the big ones.

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