Friday, March 11, 2011

Chuck and Mary

Chuck and Mary are a couple here from Florida on their way to Peru.  They are somewhere in between the age of my parents and my grandparents, but they are such special people in our life.  We met them when we arrived to school here in August, and their original plan was to stay a whole year here.  The head of their mission team, however, really needs them in Peru in May.  We love Chuck and Mary, and little Haley loves them like they are her grandparents, especially Chuck.  She will see him and run to him with her arms open and yell CHUCK!!!  (This is one of the words she says really well.)  Tonight the 5 of us took a bus to San Pedro and enjoyed dinner together in the mall and frosties from Wendy's.  Haley got to ride on a motorcycle in the area o th mall with the riding machines.  She laughed the whole time.  We are thankful for all of the friends we have made here in CR, especially Chuck and Mary.  I am so thankful that God always has a way of putting people in our lives.  Chuck and Mary are very unexpected friends considering our age difference, but they were missing their grandbabies, and Haley was missing her grandparents so we all became good friends.


Anonymous said...

When we were young we enjoyed older friends and now that we are old we enjoy younger friends. It is good to realize that folks of all age differences can bring great enjoyment to our lives. You will notice that even more as you get older. Good friends are a blessing. linda

Anonymous said...

When we were young we enjoyed older friends and now that we are old we enjoy younger friends. It is good to realize that folks of all age differences can bring great enjoyment to our lives. You will notice that even more as you get older. Good friends are a blessing. linda