Monday, September 12, 2011

Tonya and Trevor

Four years ago our mentor, Marvin, asked Matt and I to participate in an outreach ministry in Searcy where a Bible study group met in a coffeehouse for a time of worship.  This group was run by ministry students with the goal of reaching people who were not interested in stepping foot in a church building.  There we met Tonya and Trevor.  At the time they were engaged.  Tonya swore to herself that we would never be friends because all of the students in the advanced ministry program became friends with her and left.  She could not bear to form another close relationship, only to lose it.


God kept putting us in each other's paths where we had only one option, to become friends.  By the time we moved away from Searcy, they were so close to us that we strongly considered looking for jobs in Little Rock just to be closer to them.  Generally, when people move away, the friendship remains, but is never as strong as when together, but God has drawn us even closer although we are many miles away. 

We have spent many hours over the last year on skype, and now Tonya and Trevor have Taven, their sweet little boy. We have had the opportunity to see each other over the last two weekends. I am so grateful that God really wanted us to be friends. A relationship like the one we have with Tonya and Trevor is very unique and doesn't come around very often, and I am so glad they are in our life.

1 comment:

Trevor said...

You know that when Tonya reads this she is going to cry, probably happy tears then sad tears, alternating back and forth between the two. We love you all sooo very much and are so thankful God put our families together. I want you to know that the hard work and dedication you all have put into serving God on the mission field has been an inspiration to us and has encouraged us to think of how we can help. We look forward to seeing you all in Honduras and helping out with anything the children's home may need. I think God has huge plans for that area, including all the work your dad is doing in the dump area as well. As Chuck said on Sunday, "it is a place of broken dreams" where people have "crushed" spirits. May God bring joy, peace, and healing to Honduras and revive the souls of its people through the Good News of Christ and all He has done and continues to do through His faithful servants. Amen!!