Long term what we will be doing is starting an expansion to Casa de Esperanza. We will be taking in girls that are over the age of ten. During the time that we have spent in Honduras, we realized no one takes in girls once they get this age. So we decided to take this ministry on. We will be taking these girls in. We will be able to feed them, give them an education, and share the Gospel with them. To me the most important thing that we can give them is hope through Jesus. We are also going to teach them job skills so they do not fall back into street life. Eventually we will have a mission house on this childrens home. The girls will learn even more job skills by running this mission house. This will be a great tool to help change their lives. I am so excited to see these girls lives change. Please pray for us because the girls that we are taking are going to be abused and broken. We definitely need your prayers.
The first two years of our ministry will be a little different. During this time Marc will be our mentor and we will not take any girls in yet. Our supporting church wants us to get a little better prepared before getting into that part of our ministry. This is a good thing it will help Nicole and I prevent burnout. During this time we will be aiding Karen at Casa. We will also be developing the new property so that we are ready to get kids after the two years is up. We are also going to be highly involved with the dump ministry. Another thing Nicole and I will be is doing a bible study with the girls at Casitas Kennedy. This is where we will be getting most of our girls from so we will already be developing relationships with them. Terri will also be teaching us how to do all of Casa's books. We will also be learning from Marc how to run groups. We will be aiding Marc in every way possible with groups. We are really excited about this ministry and we pray that others will always grow in God. So please pray that God will prepare lots of people in Honduras to be impacted be this ministry. I pray that we always give God the glory. I know that the only way we can do any of this through God. We thank you for your prayers.
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