Sunday, July 15, 2007


One night, Matt reminded me to be careful how touch these boys. I wasn’t thinking anything of holding them and letting them sit in my lap. These boys have been mistreated sexually, and most or possibly all of them have at least seen sexual activity firsthand. I want these kids to learn to respect girls and women, and I want to teach the girls to demand respect from boys and men.
Sometimes, I get so angry at the people who stole the sexual innocence from these kids. They don’t know how to experience pure, non-sexual touch that shows love. Pamela reminded me as she prayed on Sunday night to have a forgiving heart. She, who was used by her mother as a child prostitute and was unable to come home until she had a certain amount of money, prayed that God would take good care of her mother. She reminded me to forgive the people who are hardest to forgive.

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