When most people look at my life. They really would not think I was successful or blessed. I truely am. No I will never make a 100,000 dollars in a year. I will never have a big house or be considered rich in American culture. I am blessed though. I have an amazing wife supports me through anything. I also have a daughter named Haley who is so beatiful and the best little girl ever. I would do anything for either one of them. I am so blessed and loved by my family.
I know that I am blessed over the past two years God has certainly shown me that. First of all Nicole and I moved into our apartment with neither one of us having a job. We both knew that God would take care of us though. The next Friday we both got jobs. Then we needed to pay medical bills which is expensive when you have no insurance. Needless to say we got a check in the mail that covered it all. Then at my job I was not as productive pulling product as they wanted so I had a good chance of getting fired at my job. Instead when I got called into the office they offered me a different job. That was such a Godsend. Then two weeks before Haley was born I got medical insurance and it covered the entire pregnancy. That never happens she was 8 and 1/2 monthes pregnant. It just so happened with this company pregnancy is not a pre-existing condition. Then my daughter was born. She is such a continual blessing. Then this February we got supported. We had tried to raise money and were running out of options and we thought the church here was not going to support us . The thing is God his magic through people and now we are supported. God is good all the time. All the time God is good. I ams so blessed.
I get to actually do my dream. I get to do mission work and get my hands dirty. My family and ministry is why I am so blessed. I am so exited Nicole and I are getting to do our dream. We have talked about doing this ever since we have been engaged. The thought of actually doing my dream is scary and exciting. God has given me the opportunity to go to a foreign country and share with Hondurans who Jesus is. I know that I have the best job in the world. I just wanted to thank God for giving me an opportunity to serve him in this way.
My little girl has no idea what a roller coaster ride that she is in for. She is not even 1 and is in a foreign country. She is up for and adventure. I have no idea what to expect but I know it will be awesome.
Realize how much God has blessed you today.
In Christ